Hiwar Scholars Seminar

Global Perspectives on AI, Platforms & Cultural Production


Thomas Poell

University of Amsterdam

Thomas Poell is Professor of Data, Culture & Institutions at the University of Amsterdam. He is program director MA Media Studies, co-founder of the Research Priority Area on Global Digital Cultures, and faculty lead for the national Human(e) AI & the Datafied Society sector plan. Leveraging social media data and digital methods, Poell has studied how the use of digital platforms is affecting the mobilization, organization, and communication of protest around the globe. In recent years, he has built a conceptual framework to analyze how platforms and AI are reshaping the cultural industries. 

Together with Olav Velthuis, he is leading an NWO-funded project on The platformization of the global sex industry. And with Zhen Ye, Smith Metha, Lorena Caminhas, Arturo Arriagada, Godwin Simon, and David Nieborg, he is developing a research project on AI and Creative Work, which connects platform studies with ideas from postcolonial and decolonial theory in a Global Perspectives program. Finally, with David Nieborg and José van Dijck, he is currently writing a book on Platform Power.

Moderated by

Marwan Kraidy
Dean and CEO
Northwestern University in Qatar

Event information


Sunday, February 16, 2025


1:00 p.m.


Northwestern Qatar