Maghreb Noir: The Militant-Artists of North Africa and the Struggle for a Pan-African, Postcolonial Future
Fraught Balance: The Embodied Politics of Dabke Dance Music in Syria
China's Rise in the Global South
Renegade Rhymes: Rap Music, Narrative, and Knowledge in Taiwan
Recording History: Jews, Muslims, and Music across Twentieth-Century North Africa
Chinese Soft Power
Cultural Netizenship: Social Media, Popular Culture, and Performance in Nigeria
Cosmopolitan Radicalism: The Visual Politics of Beirut’s Global Sixties
Aso Ebi: Dress, Fashion, Visual Culture, and Urban Cosmopolitanism in West Africa
Electric News in Colonial Algeria
All My Friends Live in My Computer: Trauma, Tactical Media, and Meaning
Visions of Beirut: The Urban Life of Media Infrastructure
A Precarious Game: The Illusion of Dream Jobs in the Video Game Industry
Mobile Assemblages and Maendeleo in Rural Kenya